Thursday, 7 April 2011

Weather casualties

Oooh, it's been a hell of a storm here in Ireland over last week or so.  Nothing unusual as far as weather here goes, but there are some conclusions to be drawn regards gardening..

My tiny (still!) balcony garden survived it quite well, but some losses are, I guess, inevitable.

1.  Raspberry bucket developed a nice pond of rainwater.  As I neglected piercing bottom of the bucket when I planted the bush, excess water had no way of flowing away.  I hoped I would not encounter this problem, with the bucket being decent size, but, eeeeh, I was wrong. 

TIP:  make sure you pierce all your containers to allow drainage.  Whatever their size.

I simply poured the little lake out, but the soil is still awfully waterlogged and I fear it does not do much good to my brave little plant...  Fingers crossed for its survival.

2. I've moved a new bean plant (maybe 10 cm high) outside just before the weather turned nasty and its leaves got broken within the first day.  The plant has been quickly evacuated and thrives, but it confronts me with a serious question - how to protect grown plants against strong winds.  I won't be able to simply move them indoors once they get bigger, because there will be no space left for me to live in, and the thought of nurtured plants being lost doesn't give me much joy either.  Time for some brainstorming :)

Anyone has a useful tip how to tackle this problem?

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