Sunday, 24 April 2011

Warning! Addictive!

Ain't gardening addictive?  I started with few pots on the window sill and this is where I am now.  Or, to be precise, where I was few days ago, and I've added a few plants since. 

All you need is some space and some garbage...  I don't have a single 'proper' container, all my pots have started their life as packaging for food or drink.

It's endlessly fascinating, to check up on the plants every day, to see what's grown, what's changed...  I have few plants flowering already, I've even eaten the first greens and it all happened in two months.  I simply cannot stop myself from sowing something every day or two, it grew into a full size addiction.  Oh well, I can live with that. 

Sure I've scored some magnificent failures, too.  I'm learning by trial and error method.  I'm trying out whatever seems to be a logical solution and if it doesn't work, I'm looking for a different option.  Works so far, and gives me heaps and heaps of joy. 

So if you're looking for a healthy, gripping, time-consuming addiction, go for gardening.

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