Monday, 11 April 2011

Grow your own... radishes

I'm a proud owner of two pots full of nearly grown-up radishes.  Of all the plants I started about six weeks ago, this is the very first one nearing harvesting stage.  I'm salivating at the very thought...

Conclusion:  radishes are fool-proof and satisfactorily quick to grow. 

Nearly all the seeds I've sown have germinated (which sadly cannot be said about all the rest of my plants). 

Once they sprouted, they were pretty resistant and I didn't lose a single plant (which, again, cannot be said about the rest).

They survived harsh weather conditions intact.

They don't seem to mind small containers. 

Another week or so and I'll be harvesting the whole lot. 

I'm sure you have plenty of your own ideas what to turn the tasty red bulbs into, I'll be going for cottage cheese with chopped radishes, cress, mayonnaise, salt and pepper.  Or a salad?  Hmm...

What you may not have known (and certainly I didn't know until today) is the fact that radish leaves are edible too.  They are supposed to taste slightly bitter, so don't overdo it, but they are full of healthy nutrients and pretty versatile when it comes to preparation.  You can boil them, steam them, stir-fry them or eat them raw as greens.  Well, since my harvest is so tiny, I'm certainly going to make the most of it and eat the whole thing.  Oh, discard the stems.  Only green parts of the leaf are worth eating.

I'm off to sow some more radishes. 

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