Wednesday, 25 May 2011

My carnivorous love

Right.  I'm not exactly your average Wednesday Adams type, but she and I have one thing in common - a total love for carnivorous plants. 

Can you think of a more lively plant than a sundew?  A plant that actually hunts!  It lures the victim, it immobilises it, it kills and consumes.  Acts you would associate more with a cheetah than a tiny leafy creature, yet here it is - the hunter of the botanical world. 

Somehow, they even look predatory.

And so, so beautiful. 

Did you know that sundew plant is actually very tiny?  A cluster of few plants would easily fit into a palm of your hand.  To see them in the wild for the very first time, I had to get lost in a bog, trip over and fall to my knees - and there it was, inches from my face, tiny, amazing and beatiful. 

It's actually pretty common around Connemara bogs.  Go for a walk on the bogs and you're pretty likely to find it.  I've searched the net through and through to see if it is a protected plant here in Ireland but no, it doesn't show on any protected species list.  Apparently, bluebells are far more endangered than sundews. 

So, if you love me, don't buy me roses.  Buy me a Venus flytrap, which is the next position on my dreamed-of plants list. 

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